Thursday, May 12, 2005

60 Second Theater: Elektra

Today's Presentation: Elektra

I only ask that if you replay it in public (radio, podcast, etc.) that you properly credit me. Please feel free to direct people to this website (60 Second Theater) or to one of the other 2 mirror sites (Mr. Me's Emporium, or Sixty Second Theater). I would also appreciate a little "tip" in my digital tip jar.

I would like to officially thank for hosting the MP3 file. They are by far the most awesome host (free and no linking restrictions!). If you have a need for an MP3 host, I ask you to consider them.

Also, if you are interested in getting my podcast you can pickup the RSS feed here. If you are only interested in my 60 Second Theater clips, you can subscribe to this feed.

Thank you and enjoy!
~ Mr. Me ~
All Rights Reserved. Copywrite 2005 Mr. Me.